Not Only Tinto is 3 Years Old!


It is still crazy for me to think that on November 2017, NOT ONLY TINTO opened in De Pijp, Amsterdam after a very long personal and professional journey.

I started to study Dutch a year before that, met een Nederlanse lelaar die woonde in San Telmo in Buenos Aires. I travelled through the country and visited a lot of wine producers. I made research, studied in the Argentine School of Wines and while still living in Buenos Aires I had already started to look at Funda app on my phone… finally I arrived to The Netherlands in May 2017!

What happened next?

All stars aligned, my dream started to shape in real time and finally I opened in Amsterdam a wine shop specialized in Wines from Argentina.

“Really? Do you mean that all the wines come from Argentina?”

- Yes!


I must confess, not only customers asked this question many times, but I asked it myself still, “really!?”

Now, 3 years later, I can say that it was a good idea. And of course, it was a good idea mainly because of the wines.

It is very exciting for me to be able to bring to The Netherlands the range of wines that Argentina can offer.

During these 3 years, we have been incorporating new varietals, new regions, new producers, a range of unique wines, beyond the famous Malbec. And we continue looking for the wines that represent what is currently happening locally. That is our challenge and that is what we love to do!

It’s not easy, nothing is easy in Argentina; but wine is one of the few things that seems to escape the debacle. Many producers continue researching, studying and looking for wines that will be known in the coming years. The land and its people still have a lot of new and exciting wines to give!

Amsterdam is, besides our home, an amazing city with a great offer of wine from neighboring European countries and from all the world.  Of course most of those who live here are Dutch, open and curious by nature.  Always willing to discover and to compare, to explore and learn, as well as so many expats living in De Pijp, our cosmopolitan neighborhood, or around the city. To all of you, we want to thank for making this posible!




Diego’s pick: March 2021


Diego’s pick - October 2020